Order in the Court!
Students in 7th & 8th Grade put on a Mock Trial for Sanger Rainsford after reading the short story The Most Dangerous Game by Richard...

Mr. Rehder's "Some, Terrific, Radiant" Class Finishes Charlotte's Web
For Christmas, Mr. Rehder purchased each of his 3rd and 4th grade students their very own copy of the book Charlotte's Web by E.B. White....

3rd & 4th celebrate Wonka
Mr. Rehder and the 3rd and 4th grade class recently finished reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. They...

Third Graders Elevate Their Vocabulary
Summit 3rd graders received dictionaries from the Grangeville Elks Club on Tuesday, September 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hinterlong...

Summit Announces Top Scholars
Summit Announces top scholars for the graduating class of 2017. Allycia Sonnen is the Valedictorian and Christopher Osborne is the...

Summit Hosts Chess Tournament
Summit Academy was the hosting site for the 4th Annual Holiday Family Chess Tournament. Sandy the Chess Guy organized, promoted, and...

Pumpkin Chunker Challenge
Physical Science students at Summit Academy recently held a pumpkin launching competition. The ninth and tenth grade students used...