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Upcoming Events

March 19: Feast of St. Joseph, Principal Appreciation Day


March 20: End of 3rd quarter


March 28: Parent Teacher Conferences


March 29: Alumni Games, 5 pm



St. John Bosco Academy aims to help students in grades Pre-K through 12th to rise above mediocrity by encouraging them to strive "ever higher" (excelsior): in their studies, their work, their relationships with God and others, their personal development and virtue, and their understanding of their greater mission to "sanctify the temporal order."


St. John Bosco Academy provides a well-rounded education based on the Christian view of the person and strives to develop all dimensions of the person: intellectual, human (or character), spiritual, and apostolic.

Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

Dedicated to Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

122 Substation Road

PO Box 427

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522
Tel: 208.962.5650

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St. John Bosco Academy is a private Catholic School recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Boise 

St. John Bosco Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  St. John Bosco Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin.

Attention: Employees are armed and trained to use deadly force.


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